Bracelets from ShopNBC
It's no secret that I'm a color lover, but did you know that I'm a jewelry lover too? Yep, that's right, I have quite the jewelry collection! Because as you might have guessed, when your wardrobe has as many colors as mine does, you can never have enough coordinating jewelry. Whether it be earrings or necklaces, rings or bracelets, my collection has grown over the years to include some of my favorite pieces. What I love most about jewelry is the fact that each piece has a way of reminding me of a particular time in my life...Plus, I absolutely love coordinating different looks.

Most of you know by now that I recently had a baby. Yep, I'm the proud mommy to an almost 10 month old baby boy. And although he is the sweetest little boy I could have ever hoped for, that doesn't change the fact that I really can't wear much jewelry anymore. Babies simply love to pull on jewelry! They'll rip your earrings right out if you let them! Sadly, earrings are often a thing of the past for me now, as are necklaces. So instead of chancing injuring myself, I've decided to put up the majority of my jewelry for the time being. But that's not to say that I've put it all up! I've actually been able to continue wearing my lovely collection of bracelets and I'm so thankful for that. Have I mentioned my extensive collection of bracelets before?

Bracelets seriously are the best accessory! Personally, I'm always on the hunt for a new one. I guess you could say bracelets are one of my guilty pleasures. From gold to sterling silver, my favorite ones have to be the ones that include gemstones! Because of course, you know me, I have to have my pops of color!
For mother's day this year my husband got me the sweetest bracelet that had all kinds of meaning behind it. And while searching for the perfect one, he came across a great site! It's called ShopNBC. When he told me about all the pretty pieces, I just had to see for myself. I'm always looking for bridesmaids jewelry to feature in my inspiration boards as well as recommend to you all...and let me tell you, this shop has some of the prettiest pieces I've seen in a long time. And in an array of colors too.

Here are some of my favorite pieces from their site. Oh, and because I'm always thinking in terms of wedding palettes, here are the palettes I see these bracelets coordinating best with! Aren't they stunning?
So what do you think? Might you consider giving your bridesmaids a bracelet as a thank you gift for being in your wedding? Adds a whole new meaning to the idea of a friendship bracelet, don't you think? Personally, I think it's a very sweet and special gift idea. Want to know my favorite place to find beautiful bracelets? I invite you to hop on over to ShopNBC and shop their lovely collection of bracelets!

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