{Something Blue}: A Palette of Shades of Blue, Gray + White

{Navy Blue, Slate Blue, Powder Blue, Sky Blue, Gray + White}
Since we're nearing the official start of Summer, you might have expected me to make a nice Summer color palette. And to be honest, that was my intent starting out. But then something happened. This board took on a life of it's own. And before I knew it, I was creating a snowy palette of blues + grays. I'm sure there is someone who will appreciate it, right? I mean, it's the Winter brides who are probably up to their elbows in DIY projects...not the Summer brides. By now, any bride-to-be with a Summer wedding date has probably decided on their color palette. Or I would hope so at least! So here it is! For all you Winter brides! A delicate blend of blues and grays accented by none other than snow white. {continued...}
{Click to Enlarge}

{top row}: chiffon blue dress, snow covered blue barn, bridal style, blue heels, {middle row}: blue china pattern, ring, floral, invitation design, invitation pattern, {bottom row}: doves, newlyweds in love, blueberries in a bowl, navy bridesmaid dress.
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Wedding Gown + Blue Barn

Wedding Gown + Blue Barn

There are so many things that I can say about this palette. For one, I happen to think that blue and navy blue in particular were made for Winter weddings. There is something so very elegant about the way it effortless pairs with gray and white. Plus, who could resist a snow covered blue barn? Not I! I absolutely L-O-V-E the idea of a snowy barn wedding. Assuming you can get your hands on enough heaters that is. So how are you feeling about blue these days? Anyone planning on using blue for their wedding palette? Do tell! You know I want to hear all the details!
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