{Sponsored Post + Giveaway}: Invitation Consultants!
Well, hello there color lovers! Remember when I told you that I had some truly awesome giveaways coming your way? Well, get excited because today I bring you this seriously sweet giveaway from my friends over at Invitation Consultants! With a collection of fabulous designs which incorporate amazing colors, beautiful fonts and impeccable quality, I can't say enough about Invitation Consultants. Want a chance to win a charming custom stamp, 25 thank you cards and two luggage tags? Sure you! Look how absolutely fun this collection is!

Official Rules: {leave a separate comment for each entry}
1. To enter, simply leave us a comment letting us know which color ink you would choose for your custom stamp? Check out the color options here. {be sure to include your email address}
2. For a second entry, ''like'' us on Facebook. ''Like'' the Invitation Consultants here and ''like'' the Perfect Palette here.
3. For a third entry, share this giveaway on twitter by tweeting ''I just entered to win a custom stamp, stationery & luggage tags from @fabulousinvites via @perfectpalette. Enter here http://ow.ly/aV2Bv''
4. And for a fourth entry, simply share this giveaway on Pinterest by pinning the image above and including the following "GIVEAWAY - Enter here for your chance to win a charming custom stamp, 25 thank you cards and 2 luggage tags http://tinyurl.com/78lgu4x'' Thanks everyone! And be sure to swing back by here on Friday, May 18th when we'll be selecting one lucky winner!
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